TRANSPARENCY. Transparency between UWFA and owners is of the utmost importance. This not only promotes open communication, it provides owners the understanding and opportunity to weigh in on decisions that will affect them. From having a vote on the Board to accepting new teams into the fold, every owner will have a say.
INCLUSION. A guiding principle of UWFA is inclusivity. We know that each team has unique insights and perspectives, and we believe maintaining an open, honest dialogue with our teams is the best way to create a strong league. Every team is included in all decisions, whether big or small, because every team counts.
TIERED SERVICES. The United Women's Football Association offers tiered services to all of our teams. Upon joining our league, owners have the ability to purchase lessons and tutorials that provide comprehensive guidance on how to launch and maintain a successful team. It also means that veteran team owners pay less, as they have more experience and need less guidance.
MEANINGFUL SUPPORT. UWFA offers meaningful support for new teams started by veteran owners. We will help you through each step of acquiring 501c3 status and running successful online fundraising campaigns. UWFA is comprised of proven team owners who are also mentors, and we're excited to help you get started!
MEDIATION. If there is a conflict between ownership/players/coaches, the association will step in and help facilitate a mediation. This could be an issue as simple as a player feeling like they're not getting enough game time, or something like a coach reporting an experience of discrimination. We will help you handle it all.
INCENTIVES. We want to encourage teams to support UWFA's initiatives by rewarding compliant behavior with discounts rather than enforce their support with financial sanctions for noncompliance. What does that mean? It means we aren't going to penalize teams by fining them; we're going to incentivize teams to follow the rules and regulations by offering discounts for those who follow the rules and regulations.